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J Minim Invasive Spine Surg Tech > Volume 1(1); 2016 > Article
Kim: Congratulatory Address
The Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society (KOMISS) was founded in the June of 2002 under the leadership of honorary president Dr. Chun-Kun Park, as the first research society in affiliation with the Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society. The society is one of tradition and history and currently retains the largest number of members among neurosurgical societies.
Our society has led the way in minimally invasive spine surgery in Korea, and we especially take pride being global frontrunners in the fields of endoscopic surgery and minimally invasive spinal fusion surgery. We currently host two symposiums about minimally invasive spine surgery and cadaver workshops annually to provide upcoming spine surgeons with forums for learning. Furthermore, we have joined with The International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery Korea (ISMISS Korea) in late 2015 and started an official website (www.komiss.org) to provide more members with useful information.
As the immediate Former President of KOMISS, the society is very grateful to the Editor-in-chief Dr. Sang-Gu Lee and all parties involved for the initial publication of our society’s English-based academic journal, the JMISST(Journal of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Technique). We believe that this publication will be a stepping stone for our society to become a global organization, and it will play an important role in the advancement of minimally invasive spine surgery based on evidence and research. We cordially ask all members to make enthusiastic submissions and participate in our effort to make this society a global one.
Thank you.
Sung-Min Kim, MD, PhD
Immediate Former President of KOMISS


Sung-Min Kim, MD, PhD
Department of Neursurgery, Kyung Hee University Hostpital at Gangdong, Kyung Hee University School of Medicine, 892, Dongnam-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul 05278, Korea

Tel: +82-2-440-6144
Fax: +82-2-440-8404
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Department of Neurosurgery, Harrison Spinartus Hospital Chungdam
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Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society
350 Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06631, Korea
TEL: +82-2-585-5455    FAX: +82-2-523-6812   E-mail: komisskomiss@gmail.com
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