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JMISST-Video & Call for Videos > For Contributors > JMISST-Video & Call for Videos

This video will be first published in 2024 as a twice-yearly video supplement to JMISST. Video is an open-access, online-only, video-based journal that presents high-definition videos of minimally invasive spinal surgery related procedures, creating a unique educational experience. Interesting and unique subjects are reviewed by experts on each topic. The Editors and Editorial Boards encourage submissions in the Call for Videos.

Call for Videos
New submissions should be prepared following the Instructions for Authors.
Please select and submit the “JMISST-video” in manuscript type through the JMISST submission system.

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Editorial Office
Department of Neurosurgery, Harrison Spinartus Hospital Chungdam
646 Samseong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06084, Korea
TEL: +82-2-6003-9767    FAX: +82-2-3445-9755   E-mail: office@jmisst.org
Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society
350 Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06631, Korea
TEL: +82-2-585-5455    FAX: +82-2-523-6812   E-mail: komisskomiss@gmail.com
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